People – Propel on Purpose

We are committed to the  growth of your most valued asset, your people. Talent development is a critical component of the employee life cycle and will result in increased productivity and profitability of your organization. We provide customized Executive Coaching, as well as Leadership and Employee Development programs to ensure that your employees propel purposefully. In addition to our traditional and customized training programs; our services include succession planning complete with a strategy for development of high-potential development employees.

  • Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence™ – Holistic Life and Leadership Development Training & Conference Series
  • Propel Audacity Coaching Program – Executive and Life Coaching services providing individual development in a one-on-one setting
  • Soft Skills Development – Including communication, teamwork, problem-solving, interpersonal, and time management
  • Succession Planning – Full cycle plan development to employee development, to implementation strategy