The Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence™

The Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence (FCPE) is based upon the assumption that an individual’s holistic, productive existence may be categorized into four distinctive yet interconnected quadrants. These quadrants, while unique, are equally substantial to a productive existence.

The four compartmental quadrants serve as pseudo-foundational support for the holistic being, like cornerstones found in an architectural structure. In the Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence (FCPE), each quadrant represents a general facet or area of life. Throughout the program we will refer to life as an individual’s productive existence.

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About The Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence™

The fourfold cornerstone exemplifies the compartmentalization, interrelatedness, and infinite developmental opportunities that embody the four quadrants of the FCPE, otherwise known as Personal Progression, Relational Reciprocation, Professional Prowess, and Financial Fitness.

detailed overview

About the Quadrants

In the Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence (FCPE), each quadrant represents a general facet or area of life. Let’s take a closer look at each quadrant of the Fourfold Cornerstone.


Contact Us today to Get Started on the FCPE Program!


Our Process

Kickoff Meeting

• Assess the current situation

• Personal Gap Analysis assignment

Week 1

Review and recalibration of assessment and analysis

• Set goal matrix – Where to reach? Define the final milestone – The Vision

• Execution strategy

Week 2

Personal Progression Assessment and Analysis

Week 3

Personal Progression review and execution strategy

Week 4

Relational Reciprocation Assessment and Analysis

Week 5

Relational Reciprocation review and execution strategy

Week 6

Professional Prowess Assessment and Analysis

Week 7

Professional Prowess review and execution strategy

Week 8

Financial Fitness Assessment and Analysis

Week 9

Financial Fitness review and execution strategy

Week 10

Goal Achievement review

• Epiphanies and lessons learned

• Next steps

Who we are

Our Pricing

<strong>Audacity Coaching Program</strong>

Audacity Coaching Program


Eleven weeks of one-on-one Audacity Coaching through the application of the Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence leadership development concept. The hour-long sessions are conducted via Zoom. Participants receive materials, including worksheets and templates, to streamline the development process.

<strong>A la Carte Sessions</strong>

A la Carte Sessions

$275 - $500

Extended and additional sessions may be purchased to further enhance the development and application of the Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence leadership development concept. A la carte sessions are also available in conjunction with other Propel Enterprises, Inc. consulting engagements. Sessions are facilitated via Zoom.


Contact Us today to Get Started on the FCPE Program.

About The Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence™


The fourfold cornerstone exemplifies the compartmentalization, interrelatedness, and infinite developmental opportunities that embody the four quadrants of the FCPE, otherwise known as Personal Progression, Relational Reciprocation, Professional Prowess, and Financial Fitness.


Each cornerstone is located in a color-coded square, a symbolic representation of the life quadrant housed therein.


The two quadrants on the left side of the fourfold cornerstone, Personal Progression and Financial Fitness, represent areas where the individual may work autonomously. The greatest impact in this area is, in many cases, driven directly by the efforts of the individual.
Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence w-TM_Full Diagram_Propel Enterprises_Square with Yellow-Red-Green-Blue quandrants


The two quadrants on the right side of the fourfold cornerstone, Relational Reciprocation and Professional Prowess represent areas where the individual often engages in interpersonal exchanges or interaction with another person or person(s) outside themselves.


The FCPE diagram prominently displays the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of the four distinct quadrants that form the cornerstone.


The bleeding points of entry from box to box and the multicolored circular flow symbol illustrate how elements of one quadrant may have overlapping effects in another adjoining quadrant

The Fourfold Cornerstone of Productive Existence™